Categories Archives: The Problem: Civilization » Page 2

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Capitalism and Your Health

13 Aug

People aren’t rioting over the toxification of the total environment and their loved ones dying of cancer. They’re not rioting over the United States spending billions of dollars-billions and billions of dollars-to kill people all over the world. And, in fact, one of the smartest political moves that any politician can make is to increase […]

Liberals and the New McCarthyism

11 Aug

Deep Green Resistance co-founder Derrick Jensen published a new essay, which we encourage liberals, progressives, radicals, and others interested in the free exchange of ideas to consider.   From Counterpunch AUGUST 10, 2015 Liberals and the New McCarthyism by DERRICK JENSEN It’s easy enough, some sixty years after the fact, for us to cluck our tongues […]

Colorado’s water plan: an end to mega projects?

28 Jul

Apparently, Colorado has a new water plan. Plans are good. This is cold comfort, though, given that the plan only addresses new ‘supply projects’.  We know the Colorado River is already 100% allocated (a tiny bit of industrial civilization insanity in and of itself); this article, from High Country News, projects an additional 5 million residents […]

Nature on the Rack: Will Falk on Mauna Kea

21 Jul

Please check out this passionate, eloquent essay from Deep Green Resistance member Will Falk. Will deconstructs the issues surrounding the ongoing attempts to block construction of an 18-story astronomical observatory with an Extremely Large Telescope (ELT). We can’t add to Will’s work; we only note that western science, like so much of industrial civilization, is merely […]

More on the “Magicke” of Green Technology

19 Jul

Deep Green Resistance understands that Green Technology, Renewable Energy and other similar terms/approaches are a false promise. They will not, and can not, deliver us from the devastation that industrial civilization is wreaking on the planet. We’ve posted that before on this forum (see The Deep Green Resistance Perspective) But don’t take our word for […]

Federal Agents Harass Deep Green Resistance Members

15 Jul

Apparently, we’re doing something right. [From The Guardian] Lawyer for Deep Green Resistance ‘interrogated repeatedly’ at US border Environmental activists for Deep Green Resistance in seven states say they have been questioned and harassed by US federal agents at work and at home Adam Federman Monday July 6, 2015 0700 EDT Deanna Meyer lives on a […]

Civilization Claims Another Prairie Dog Colony

9 Jul

In yet another example of the insatiable thirst for death of industrial civilization, a prairie dog colony near Denver was exterminated last month. As this article in The Denver Post details, human settlements “are safer now that a prairie dog colony located near the Englewood Dam has been exterminated”. Deep Green Resistance weeps for the […]

Destroy the World… and Feel Good About It

8 Jul

Members of Deep Green Resistance identify as ‘radicals’.  That term, however, means that we identify and address the root causes of  our planet’s ecological and social injustices; it does not mean ‘extremist’. On the other hand, we know of those who are extremists. The following article, by Derrick Jensen, is reposted from Fair Observer. Destroy […]

Lake Mead watch: six inches from the level that triggers cutbacks

8 Jul

I guess you could file this under “No Shit”. Regardless of whether drought occurs, over-allocation and the cancerous growth that is industrial civilization would create the same shortages. Deep Green Resistance chapters across the Southwest have declared water preservation and justice as our primary focus for activism. Will you join us in dismantling the systems […]

A Case Study in Activism and Resistance: The Castle Rock Prairie Dog Campaign

8 Jul

The DGR Southwest Coalition recently held their annual Southwest Gathering, sharing skills & good food, strengthening interpersonal bonds, and engaging in many valuable discussions & strategy sessions. As part of the gathering, Deanna Meyer of Deep Green Resistance Colorado joined Brian Ertz of Wildlands Defense to discuss the recent campaign against a Castle Rock mega-mall […]