The Ecology is Collapsing

22 Aug

Deep Green Resistance provides more evidence of that, below. Indicators of Ecological Collapse: Industrial processes are contaminating the bodies of nearly every individual in this culture, as well as many others. Although the levels of toxins found in the body are often deemed as acceptable, their presence is a clear sign of the unhealthy nature […]

Fighting for Mauna Kea: How Liberal and Radical Approaches Differ

20 Aug

The American Southwest, like all of North America, is occupied territory. Its resource are in a constant state of extraction and destruction. What would it take to reclaim the land and the life in it? Deep Green Resistance member and activist Will Falk discusses how we might do so, by distinguishing between liberalism and radicalism. […]

If you are not outraged, why not?

17 Aug

From WildLands Defense Colorado

There’s Still Time

15 Aug

“Bears are made of the same dust as we, and breathe the same winds and drink of the same waters. A bear’s days are warmed by the same sun, a bear’s dwellings are overdomed by the same blue sky, and a bear’s life turns and ebbs with heart-pulsings like ours and was poured from the […]

California Tribes Fight for Water Rights

13 Aug

Industrial civilization has always thrived on the flesh and bones of indigenous peoples. Civilization leaves only whatever scraps of land, water or anything else, needed to indigenous populations to survive, which are too trivial or costly to sweep up. Deep Green Resistance is therefore encouraged to see several California Tribes fighting back. From Circle of […]

Capitalism and Your Health

13 Aug

People aren’t rioting over the toxification of the total environment and their loved ones dying of cancer. They’re not rioting over the United States spending billions of dollars-billions and billions of dollars-to kill people all over the world. And, in fact, one of the smartest political moves that any politician can make is to increase […]

Liberals and the New McCarthyism

11 Aug

Deep Green Resistance co-founder Derrick Jensen published a new essay, which we encourage liberals, progressives, radicals, and others interested in the free exchange of ideas to consider.   From Counterpunch AUGUST 10, 2015 Liberals and the New McCarthyism by DERRICK JENSEN It’s easy enough, some sixty years after the fact, for us to cluck our tongues […]

Resistance is Utile

6 Aug

Some things Deep Green Resistance knows about resistance: 1. Resistance is critical for the planet to survive. 2. Resistance works. Won’t you join us in dismantling industrial civilization?  

Make Eye Contact

28 Jul

“Once you see it, you can’t unsee it. And once you’ve seen it, keeping quiet, saying nothing, becomes as political an act as speaking out. There’s no innocence. Either way, you’re accountable.” -Arundhati Roy Take action:        

Colorado’s water plan: an end to mega projects?

28 Jul

Apparently, Colorado has a new water plan. Plans are good. This is cold comfort, though, given that the plan only addresses new ‘supply projects’.  We know the Colorado River is already 100% allocated (a tiny bit of industrial civilization insanity in and of itself); this article, from High Country News, projects an additional 5 million residents […]