Categories Archives: Culture of Resistance » Page 2

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Learning to Resist: Fighting Development in Castle Rock , CO to Protect Life, Land and Prairie Habitat

27 May

by Deanna Meyer Last spring as the grasses started greening up and springing across the landscape, I joyfully drove through one of the most magnificent prairie dog colonies left along Colorado’s Front Range. Almost two hundred acres were packed full of the cozy little families all basking in the sun, rolling on the burrows, kissing and […]

Help Save the Castle Rock Prairie Dogs: Fund Wildlands Defense

15 May

Readers of this site understand how precious our wildlife is, and how hard some of us are fighting to preserve the living world. Deep Green Resistance’s good friends at Wildlands Defense are fighting the good fight, but need your help to succeed. Check out the link below, and help as you can. Fund Wildlands Defense […]

The Maul at Castle Rock

11 May

Readers who have frequented this site no doubt have heard of the massacre of prairie dogs resulting from developers who want to build the Promenade Mall in Castle Rock. Deep Green Resistance is happy to publish a deeper background story on the massacre by freelance journalist Suzanne Grover.   The Maul at Castle Rock by […]

Hundreds Gather at Oak Flat to Fight for Sacred Apache Land

13 Feb

Resistance to American Fascism grows.  We in Deep Green Resistance share the outrage of the San Carlos Apache tribe over the attempted incursion on their land, conspired to by clever duo of the American government and mining interests. We hope you will join those who have committed to protecting the land, and all the life […]

Alberta Development Violates Promise, Starts Burying Prairie Dogs

4 Feb

The Castle Rock Killing Field, aka “The Nation’s Biggest Mall”, continues to take deadly form on Colorado’s Front Range. Concerned individuals called the town last year to inquire about the construction they heard might take place at the expense of this colony, only to be told no work would begin until 2016.   That, of […]

Castle Rock Prairie Dogs: A Visual Update

3 Feb

Sunday, several concerned activists visited the site of the proposed “Largest Mall in America”, also known as the planned killing field of thousands of Black-tailed Prairie Dogs and the destruction of their habitat. While we surveyed the site of further carnage, a friend dropped by. You might not like Prairie Dogs as much as you […]

Help Save the Castle Rock Mall Prairie Dogs

28 Jan

The ‘Nation’s Biggest Mall’, planned  for Douglas County, Colorado, would kill one of the largest prairie dog colonies on Colorado’s Front Range. Currently, Alberta Development LLC is in charge of the construction and annihilation of this prairie dog colony, which is critical to the plains’ biodiversity and long-range health. Alberta Development is planning on eradicating 40 […]

Support Production of a Documentary on The Crisis at Oak Flat

28 Jan

  Arizona Senator John McCain has slipped a controversial land bill into the 2014 National Defense Authorization Act that hands over 2400 acres of protected and sacred land to mining corporation Rio Tinto, completely dismissing the religious and cultural beliefs of the San Carlos Apache Nation who consider the area sacred. Although tens of thousands of […]

The ‘Nation’s Biggest Mall’ Slated to Kill One of the Largest Prairie Dog Colonies on Colorado’s Front Range

26 Jan

by Deanna Meyer, Deep Green Resistance Member Recently I heard news that our county (Douglas) was getting one of the nation’s biggest malls. The news simultaneously sunk my heart and angered me. Why the hell do we need another mall? To consume the world? Then my mind raced to the location of the mall, and […]

Reflections on Despair: Walking the Trapline at Unist’ot’en Camp

17 Jan

By Will Falk, Deep Green Resistance The snowstorm arrived at Unist’ot’en Camp a day before we did dropping over a foot of snow and stillness on the territory. The clouds cleared the second night we were there opening the skies to the silent music played by the twinkling of countless stars. While most of the […]