No Tar Sands for Suncor
9 Mar

If we’re going to address climate change, it starts here.
Co-hosted by Occupy, Idle No More, Colorado AIM, 350 Colorado, Deep Green Resistance, and Colorado Extraction Resistance, we will gather before SUNCOR, reject their exploitation of Canadian Tar Sands, and remind them what everyone already knows, there is no future with fossil fuels.
SUNCOR is a big player in the Canadian Tar Sands, and their Denver refinery handles 20% of its downstream market. Canada’s First Nations have been fighting the vastly unclean tar sands extraction process and the pipelines needed to export it abroad. US indigenous and environmental groups have joined forces to blockade the Keystone XL Pipeline. Showing solidarity from Denver means addressing the expansion of Suncor.
For the sake of our climate and our health, we must halt the burning of fossil fuels and the wholesale poisoning of our environment. We cannot count on a watchdog media that is owned by the energy industry.
At noon on Saturday March 30, we’ll assemble in Commerce City at the bike path parking lot at 64th & York. Our peaceful nonviolent protest will march south along the Sand Creek trail.
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