Archive | January, 2012

No Justice – Or Future – In An Industrial Economy

19 Jan

A letter to the Occupy Wall Street movement, written by a member of Deep Green Resistance Austin, reminding us of a fundamental premise of any movement seeking a brighter future. an open letter to the national Occupy Wall Street movement Dearest Occupy :: I write y’all with the greatest admiration, excitement, hope, and humility. I […]

Belated Reflections on MLK Day

19 Jan

*Author’s note: This was written by a white person of privilege, living in a society of institutionalized racism and white supremacy. As a white member of this culture, I receive material, emotional, and psychological benefits from this unjust arrangement of power, and have undoubtedly internalized this racism. For me to speak on race is to […]

Earth at Risk: Stephanie McMillan on Capitalism

12 Jan

Our planet is under serious threat from industrial civilization; whether it’s the 200 species pushed to extinction everyday, catastrophic runaway climate change, the murder of the world’s topsoil, or the toxification of the air, water and our very bodies, this culture is incompatible with a living planet. Yet most activists refuse to consider strategies that might actually […]

AIM & DGR Colorado Protest Suncor

10 Jan

This past New Year’s Eve, activists from the American Indian Movement and Deep Green Resistance Colorado organized a protest in Denver to raise awareness about the chronic negligence, pollution and general evil of Suncor Energy and it’s oil refinery in Commerce City, Colorado. We hooked up with members of Occupy Denver and marched down the 16th […]

DGR Colorado is online!

9 Jan

Deep Green Resistance is an analysis, a strategy, and a movement for anyone who wants to fight for the planet — and win. The goal of DGR is to deprive the rich of their ability to steal from the poor and the powerful of their ability to destroy the planet. This will require defending and […]